Wednesday, October 18, 2017

3 Tips for Better Energy Conservation with Your Home Appliances

With energy bills on the rise it’s more important than ever to eke the most savings possible out of your energy bill.  A big part of your bill goes to your major appliances so with that in mind here are three ways can cut your utility bill by getting the most out of your appliances with less energy.

  1. Look at the ‘Energy Guide’ Label — Most people check the nutritional facts on the back of their food packaging; you should do the same with the “Energy Guide” label which can be found on most appliances. The Energy Guide label is the result of the EPA’s Energy Star program that is designed to inform buyers how much energy it will take to run that particular appliance over a year and the estimated cost of that usage over a year.  As Energy Star notes: “Every appliance comes with two price tags: the purchase price and the cost of operating the product.” For the best savings in energy you want to look for the Energy Star label which certifies that the appliance helps reduce greenhouse gasses and is more energy efficient. A list of the most efficient dishwashers, clothes washers, refrigerators, clothes dryers, dehumidifiers and freezers can be found on the Energy Star website.
  2. Downgrade to a Smaller Size — It seems simple … and it is! The smaller an appliance is, the less energy it uses. Though a bigger oven, refrigerator, and freezer are nice, they take more energy to run and to keep running. So if you are a recent empty nester or just looking to save some money, downsizing a major appliance could be for you.
  3. Look for Rebate Programs — Sometimes the cost of energy-efficient appliances can push you away. So a great way to recoup the money you spent is to look for rebate programs.  Nearly every local utility offers some level of rebate program for consumers in its territory.  The levels of rebates certainly vary widely, but in many cases there can be cash incentives for upgrading your appliances.

The post 3 Tips for Better Energy Conservation with Your Home Appliances appeared first on Electronic House.


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